I used to bartend at this place (name not important) in Dallas next door to an Italian restaurant. There was this one waitress over there who would come hang out at the bar at the end of every shift she worked. Sometimes even during shifts. She was all drama. Something shitty and unfortunate was always happening to her. She would sit and chain smoke and tell me all about it. I liked her, she was funny, but I always thought "man...this is what it all comes down to: how people cope." While listening to her and trying to remain sensitive to her problems, secretly I applauded myself for not getting so worked up about every little thing. "You're a coper!" I would tell myself. Well, those days are over. Things have so not gone my way for what seems like so long now that I am beginning to wonder what my breaking point is and when I'll hit it. I have to move out of my place in three days, and at this point I have no idea where I'm going to go. I haven't worked since December, and thought maybe law school would be a good idea. I signed up for the LSAT, have to take it in two weeks, and have given it about ten minutes of serious thought. I'm sure it'll go swimmingly. My diabetic cat suddenly started acting drunk earlier. I ended up having to take him to the vet to find out I've been giving him too much insulin. That cost me more money I had to borrow. And finally there's my boyfriend who, hmmm...let's see...how can I put this? Is a Class A Jerk? Yeah, I think that works.
I know everything will work itself out eventually. I'm lucky I have a kick-ass dad and supportive family. Otherwise I'd be thinking of something witty for a cardboard sign and standing my ass out on the corner of I-35 and Woodward with the "Why Lie? I need beer!" Guy. You would think that someone in my position would have empathy for those guys (and girls. and Vietnam Vets. and American Indians). And, deep down, I do. I know how easy it is to end up like that. But when I see them all I think is "Every little bit helps me too Motherfucker!"
Ugh! All I wanna do is win the lottery. Is that too much to ask?
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