Mainly I'm skipping because I just don't feel like going. That's pretty much why everyone cuts class, I think. Then there is this other, less compelling reason. Somehow, some dummy in my class got this GREAT IDEA (!): Wouldn't it be funny, they suggested, if one night we all came to Professor Johnson's class wearing bow-ties?! "See, because he always wears a bow-tie. Get it? Like, he will show up all 'Do-de-do-de-do' and he'll get to the podium, look up at us, and see all these bow-ties! Hardy-Har-Har. You in??

Fuck no, I'm not in. That's TOTALLY LAME. It's not fun. It's not funny. I don't fucking get it. WHY?!
Needless to say I was outnumbered. There are a few others who won't be in on the joke (badump-ching!), but mainly b/c they are worried the professor will be offended in some way. I don't think that will be an issue. Rather, I think he'll smile awkwardly, maybe even giggle--all while thinking "What the?" And I don't want to witness that. So I'm not going.
Anyhow, I have told myself that I will take advantage of the time not spent in class to get ahead on the assignments (lie), so I better get to work.
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