So I'm nearing the end of Day 10 and things are going pretty good. I've had two regrettable days as far as food choices go: one I had onion rings, the other fried mozzarella cheese sticks (both so good! {Pappadeaux}). I felt like shit after, though. It's funny because I didn't realize how much I would miss just fat. I especially didn't think I'd miss it more than sugar. I'm really happy about the decrease in my sugar consumption, though. I had an interesting conversation with a girl I work with about her diabetes. She said before she got her blood sugar under control her moods were unpredictable and up and down. I don't know why I hadn't heard that or thought about that before. I was on anti-depressants for nearly a year for an 'anxiety disorder" and was thinking of getting back on them once my insurance at work kicks in, but now I'm waiting to see if my anxiety and depression are just products of mood swings related to my sugar intake.
I'm also excited about finally being an adult about my food choices and trying new foods. When I told Jennifer about my recent decision to become a vegenish vegetarian she was excited about it and knew of a vegan restaurant we could try. We did, and it was pretty good. Pretty, pretty good. Too bad it's got such a horrible name.

Vegeria = Vagina or Vaginaria.
A few days after our lunch at Vag Central, we tried a Thai place she'd heard about that was SO.FA.KING.GOOD. Which reminds me, I had some tempura there so there was the third time I've had fried food on my vegetarian diet. Anyway, I had this spicy eggplant tofu dish that was tasty. And look how cute their menu is:

But BY FAR the biggest issue I'm having with this new way of eating is access to the right foods. Lots of trips to the store, and the store by me sucks. Lots of having to cook. Can't just order shit and have it delivered or go pick it up. Can't just pack up a microwave dinner. Now that I'm thinking about it, the real issue is me not having a car. Not having a car sucks! That commercial really nailed it.
In July we had a "Hot Dog Potluck" at my work. I sent out a flyer to the entire staff (approx 130 ppl) letting them know about it. Fidelia replied all: I don't eat hot dogs. No shit, Fidelia? Me either.
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