Earlier today while driving to Old Navy to look for some cheap jeans (didn't get any, their jeans suck), I was daydreaming in the car about how sometimes people (friends usually) will start telling you about such and such a movie, or celebrity, or band or whatever and if it's some sort of phenomenon that you haven't caught up to or are just plain not interested in and you say "Never heard of him," "Never seen it," or whatever, they don't believe you. Now I know in my youth peer pressure was an issue and I was hesitant to admit I wasn't familiar with something that every other cool 12 year old was familiar with. And then as I got older I was hesitant to admit that I had heard of something every 12 year old was familiar with.
Regardless-- if I had heard of ______, I would say so.
I never watched 90210, and no one ever believed me. I wasn't saying "What's that? I don't own a TV." I simply had no desire to ever watch that show. Meanwhile, I was devastated when Melrose Place was cancelled. See? I'm not trying to be cool.
The other side of that is there's a lot of cool, edgy, underground shit that I've heard of, but have no familiarity with. So when I say "Yeah, I know who GG Allin is," that's the extent of it. I've seen his picture on the internet. I heard he shits on stage. The End.
Same with Justin Bieber (except for the shitting on stage part, obviously).
I really don't know where I'm going with this except that for a moment in my car as I was thinking "Why lie about this shit?" it suddenly occurred to me that I know who both GG Allin and Justin Bieber are. That blew my mind. And it made me love the world I live in. And I wanted to share that with you all.
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