With less than three weeks to go in the semester and a test next week, I've been wondering all day why I didn't just go for my masters in English. I could be reading fiction right now! Instead I'm knee deep in Fee Simples and Contingent Remainders Subject to Reverter, or something.
Before I started my first year of law school last September, I attended the "mandatory" (I skipped out at the lunch break) orientation session where one of the Deans explained that many of us who were used to being at the top of the class would soon find ourselves at the bottom. I thought two things: one, I've never been "used" to being at the top of any class. And two, but I definitely won't end up on the bottom! Famous. Last. Words.
Womp, womp.
I knew before this semester started that I had to get my shit together. I also knew the first year (or cut) is the hardest (or deepest) and so if I could just persevere it'd all be downhill soon. Those first two weeks I was gun-ho. Then reality set back in. I remembered how boring most of this shit is to read. I mean, fuck, I'm 38 years old. I've been in the workforce a long time. You know how you learn how to do something? You DO it. Nike's right.
Alas, this is the road I chose and fuck if I'm not going to bloody my feet up taking every last step to reach the end of it! Which reminds me, did I mention I got a pedicure today? I went with a bold blue. I'm a faker like that. "Hey, look at me with my short hair and bright blue toes and fingernails! I'm so much edgier and braver than you. I've got confidence you WISH you had. Now, outta my way so I can get back to my computer and watch last night's The Daily Show."
In my quest to motivate myself and turn this sinking ship that is my apathy and laziness around I found an inspiring quote and wrote it on my chalkboard wall: "Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice and need." It's perfect isn't it? So beautiful and succinct. It's Voltaire, whoever that is. Just kidding, I've heard of him. I think about that quote often. I read it often. I look over at it, then back to Reddit, then back to it again, then over to Goodreads.
I'm a mess. Thanks for listening.
This is my favorite blog post in forever.
Hey! Thanks, RA! Glad to know someone other than my sister is reading my blog. :)
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