Saturday, January 10, 2009

Suck It, Bitches! Bibles Are For Goobs.

So I went out last night.


Thank you. Yeah, it was fun. Christy, Jenny and I went to this restaurant/bar on the Eastside called "Good Knight," or maybe it's "The Good Knight"? That'd make more sense. Anyway, the skinny on this place is that you walk in and feel like you have been transported to 1884. It's dark and woody with old framed pictures and patterned drapes everywhere. They do a classic cocktails menu, which I was excited about since my favorite drink is the Old Fashioned (it was okay, not as good as mine but they never are). Then they have a small dinner menu with tasty food that's ridiculously overpriced. I had the chicken pot pie which was really just soup with a puff pastry on top. Aside from the overpriced food, the only other really silly thing about the place was the jukebox. They tried to keep with the old-timey theme, but that really isn't possible where music is concerned. I heard some Frank Sinatra, which made it feel like I had transported via my home made time travel machine and because of some glitch ended up stuck in some sort of parallel universe where the 1950s and the 1880s coincided. The highlight of the night was when Jenny let Christy and I know that from her seat she could see some guy at the bar's crack staring her right in the face and then he heard her, turned and gave a her the stink eye, and pulled up his pants--or, breetches I should say.
From there we went to a bar (still on the Eastside) called the Longbranch. I saw they had a sticker on one of their tip jars that said "Don't Dallas up my Austin," but judging by the crowd on the patio that command was ineffective. The service was mediocre. The jukebox sub-par. But we were good and buzzed at that point, so I didn't really give a shit. One positive, the graffiti in the ladies room, where I got the above pic (Suck it bitches), and the one below (Bibles are 4 goobs):

Also, apparently, Kelis is in San Diego now--dying by the sword. So much for her milkshake. (badump, bump)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

OK, it's already the fifth, I know. It's been too long. I've abandoned my sad little blog. I just want it to be so entertaining for you and I have had no exciting news to report.

I had this idea awhile back about reporting on local politics (Regime Change Begins at Home!). You know how every election there's a bunch of local shit on the ballot? Prop such and such that you've never heard of. Here in Austin there was tons of confusion over Prop. 2. The wording was a little weird, and turns out a bunch of people who were against it voted for it. I thought, I'll spend my time following the local scene--this is a Capitol city after all--and then report back to you: The People. Yeah, well, turns out I don't wanna expend all that energy and furthermore--surprise, surprise--there are already bloggers out there reporting on the local political scene.

Now what? Local live music scene? Nah. I don't think so. Celebrity gossip? Yeah, 'cos that's not been done before...I guess I'll stick to what I know and pass on the dull and shitty details of my daily life. Who wouldn't be interested in that? (Answer: Me)

Well, I still have a really shitty job as a contract employee for Apple. I still hate the slut I work with. Her contract is up in a matter of weeks, though. So that's good. My contract is up in June, so I now have six months to come up with a new plan. I've got some ideas. Stuff in the oven, you know... In the meantime, it's cube life for me. Ugh. It's nearly unbearable. I don't know how much longer I can stand it. I ended up working last week on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day and the office was completely empty. Which was nice b/c a) I didn't have to deal w/ my slutty co-worker and b)I didn't have to fight for the printer. I cannot believe how irritated my co-workers get b/c they have to wait a couple of minutes for my documents to print up before theirs do. You've got all day, I wanna scream. You want me to use another printer? Complain to management. I'm not going to buy my own, for fuck's sake.

On the other hand, working all alone sucked b/c it's like "Why am I the only one here?" And I realize it's because I'm poor and I don't get any vacation or holiday pay so if I'm not there, I don't get paid. I cut out early on those days, though. (Shhhhh.)

The only other thing I have to relay is that if you are reading this and you haven't seen "The Wire," and/or Ed Burns (not that Ed Burns) and David Simon's other HBO project "Generation Kill," then you need to click on over to Netflix and add those gems to your cue toot sweet!

I've been recommending these shows (well, mainly "The Wire") to anyone w/in an earshot of me since I saw them. They are like nothing else on television...EVER.

Well, it's been really swell catching up with you. Guess I'll go do laundry now. Snuggle my cats, maybe. Read a little. Very exciting stuff to attend to!
See you next time.